Personal Injury Accident Cases – Preserving the Evidence: Returning to the Scene

If you have suffered a personal injury that you believe was caused by the negligence of someone else, the first critical step is returning to the scene of the accident as soon as possible. During this site visit, it is important to search for physical evidence and any dangerous conditions in the area. We also highly recommend you bring a personal injury attorney accompany you to the scene.

It will certainly surprise you as to what you will see and find upon a return to the scene.  You might see something that you did not observe before that might be critical to your case:

  • Perhaps it is a condition on the premises that caused you to fall, such as an untreated patch of ice or unsafe lighting conditions.
  • If it was a traffic accident, you might observe a traffic light that does not work or some other dangerous road condition.

Surveying the scene of an accident is critical.  Not only does it provide a potential treasure trove of physical evidence, but you might find security cameras that could provide footage of your injury or even an eye-witness that observed what occurred or could shed light on whether the area has a history of the same types of incidents that caused your injury.

The possibilities are endless – this crucial step of returning to the scene should not be ignored.  While performing the site visit, you or your personal injury attorney should be taking pictures with a camera sophisticated enough to take vivid and clear photographs.

Related Reading:

Personal Injury Accident – The Necessity of Preserving Evidence